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Kele Okereke hails from Bethnal Green in East London, though his parents emigrated from Nigeria to England before he was born. In his youth, Kele listened to a wide range of contemporary music, from hip-hop to pop and everything in-between. In fact, it was the youthful rap act Kris Kross's 1992 Top of the Pops performance that motivated Kele to explore music! His sister owned a guitar, so Kele would borrow her instrument to learn to play and eventually compose his own material. Kele's receptivity to many different music genres influenced his songwriting technique and allowed his songs to defy categorisation. However, he would need others with a common vision in order to go forward in his endeavours.

Kele first met Russell Lissack in 1998 in Essex, where Russell had grown up and Kele attended school. However, it would not be until the next year's Reading Festival that the two would reunite and vow to assemble a band. They both honed their individual guitar styles, whilst Kele also focused on improving his singing by receiving vocal coaching. Although he feels that the coaching ultimately helped him, Kele chose to sing in the fashion he saw best fit the songs that he and Russell had composed. As such, Kele's distinctive vocal delivery is probably the most recognisable element of the Bloc Party sound. 

Kele and Russell placed advertisements in various music journals whilst Kele studied English literature at King's College in London. They drafted in Gordon Moakes after auditioning numerous bassists, but the lack of a permanent drummer slowed the progress of the band.

Eventually, Kele asked an acquaintance if he would try out for them. Before long, Matt Tong provided the vitality that gave the band new life. The band now felt like more than a mere hobby to Kele and so he abandoned his studies, even though he was close to graduating. Kele writes most of the lyrics for Bloc Party songs. Many of his lyrics speak for themselves, whilst some contain cryptic imagery, the meanings of which remain personal to Kele.

Kele's shy demeanour makes him a refreshingly humble frontman. When in the glare of the media, Kele is quiet and reserved, shrugging off the spotlight rather than hogging it. As a result of this, he has gained a reputation as being an awkward interviewee. Those who have met him in person, however, will tell you that Kele is a modest, gentle person who has a clear vision of what Bloc Party is.

After experimenting with more electronic sounds and dance music, Kele ventured into a solo project that gave birth to his first album 'The Boxer' (2010) followed by the EP 'The Hunter' (2011) under the name 'Kele'. These solo records served more as a creative outlet from the constrains of being in a rock band, rather than an end to Bloc Party. And even though 2 years later Bloc Party would release their 4th album unsurprisingly named 'Four', Kele would still release solo material like his second album 'Trick' (2014) and the two DJ EPs 'Heartbreaker' (2013) and 'Candy Flip' (2014), which were released under his full name 'Kele Okereke'. After the release of Bloc Party's 5th and latest album, Kele released his 3rd full-length solo album called 'Fatherland' inspired by his experience of becoming a father and his relationship with his own dad. More recently, Kele wrote a play with music with Matt Jones called 'Leave To Remain' that premiered in London in February 2019 and was later released as a digital album.

Partial source:

created by Alexi Garcia - AlxCia ®2019

All lyrics by Bloc Party. Photography by Ness Sherry, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Perry Curties, Yuki Shingai, Phil Armson. Illustrations by Linsey Tulley, Gordon Moakes. Web design based on art direction by: Rob Crane at Work (2007-2008),

Bloc Party & Gordon Moakes (2012-2013), Big Active & Kele Okereke (2016). DISCLAIMER: this website was created for informational purposes only and is not being monetised. All content and design was inspired by and taken from the art direction of albums, singles and EP's by Bloc Party. 

Bloc Party are Kele Okereke, Russell Lissack, Matt Tong, Gordon Moakes, Louise Bartle, Justin Harris

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